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Medicinal Properties of Guava

Eating one guava daily will benefit you

Guava has medicinal properties, it strengthens the heart, destroys vermin, such as stopping vomiting, clearing the stomach dysfunction and removing phlegm. Consumption is beneficial when there is mouth ulcer.

This commonly available fruit is rich in vitamins, fiber and protein. It also fills the stomach and gives you immediate hunger relief. It is also a very good fruit for diabetics because the sugar content in it is very useful and this sweet fruit also proves very beneficial.

1. Helps to lose weight

People adopt a variety of methods to lose weight, but with guava being a delicious fruit, it also reduces weight. It is high in fiber and high in calories. You get about 112 calories in guava, which leads to hunger and weight loss.

2. Strengthens internal capacity

You will be surprised to know that guava is a fruit that contains many vitamins. It contains 4 times more vitamins than oranges. This is why we stay away from minor infections. And the vitamins present in Amarut strengthen our body's ability.

3. Helps prevent cancer

Eating guava reduces the chances of cancer cells in the body due to its high content of the antioxidant lycopene.

4. Benefit in eyesight

Vitamin A is found in abundance in guava. Vitamin A is very beneficial for eyes. The vitamin A in it works to keep the eyes healthy. It reduces the possibility of cataracts and also increases the brightness of the eyes.

5. regulates blood pressure

This fruit regulates blood pressure due to the combination of fiber and potassium present in guava. It normalizes your heart rate and also controls blood pressure.

6. teeth strength

Eating guava also makes our teeth strong. You have heard that guava leaves are used a lot.

7. Diabetes Control

As I told you earlier, sugar is very useful in these fruits, so even diabetic patients can lose it. Blood sugar level does not change quickly.

8. Reduces mental fatigue

Magnesium takes care of hormones in our body. It is found in large quantities in guava. After the defeat of evening exhaustion, you eat guava, which removes your fatigue and does not cause mental stress.

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